The SOS BIG Crowd Sing Along show is live, energetic entertainment, taking audience participation to the next level

Big Crowd Sing Along

The ultimate live show / audience experience!

Led by Tim Sponder on keys – the ultimate piano man – you are taken on a musical experience like no other! As part of the audience, you will join in a mass sing along with the crowd! Singing everything from classic rock anthems to infectious pop hits and heart-warming ballads.  The show is uniquely crafted mash-up of all the greatest bits of your favourite songs.  Tim expertly navigating you through the decades and genres, unifying everyone in the audience, from young to veterans, in an ultimate celebration of music and togetherness.

Think Pub Choir meets Piano Bar meets Karaoke!

All the lyrics are dazzlingly displayed on huge screens so you will be able to belt out every lyric with confidence.  You know the songs, you know the melody, you know the lyrics, now just SING!

Big Crowd Sing Along

In the famous words of Mark Twain – “Sing like no one’s listening, …dance like nobody’s watching, and live like it’s heaven on earth.”

Singing together as part of a group is as old as time itself!  It is the ultimate glue that connects us all, through our bonds of family, friends and community! There is a profound sense of unity and harmony that is felt when we sing together in unison.  And not only is it great fun, it’s been scientifically proven that singing is good for the heart, mind, soul and body!  

So, imagine a show dedicated to transporting you through time to forgotten memories and experiences. A show that immediately ignites the flames of excitement, fun and euphoria.  Singing together connects us, unifies us, elates us, delights us, transports us, cheers us, comforts us, sooths us, and ultimately heals us.

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