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NRL Live Performance at Allianz Stadium

Sing On Social Takes Centre Stage at NRL for an Unforgettable Piano Singalong! Sing On Social reached new heights on Friday night, performing live at

Bangalow Bowlo

Sing Out Social put on it’s second show at Bangalow Bowlo on the 10th February.  With over 200 tickets sold the event was a huge

Huge Successful Launch

Sing Out Social kicked off with a resounding success on the 29th of December 2023, as it promptly sold out its inaugural performance at Newrybar

Sing-Out-Social & Mental Health

The core values of SOS are deeply rooted in the commitment to raise awareness about mental health. The global mental health crisis is an undeniable

Sing-Out-Social & The Science!

So, what is SOS all about?  The clue is in our name – Sing-Out-Social!  The idea that singing in a social context is not only

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